Congratulations to the newly elected officers for GEDA Board

Joni Bathel, President
Renee Ferrera, Vice-President
Teri Tucker, Treasurer
Javier Sanchez, Secretary
Larry Matrana, At-Large

This will be big shoes to fill from previous board who did wonderful things, but I know this new board will continue to follow the vision of our Past President Mark Middleton who will be greatly missed.
New events, fundraising and volunteer opportunities will be coming soon as restrictions allow.
Thank you to all GEDA Members who have made our organization be what it is today, and just wait for better things to come!!!

GEDA Board 2021
Larry Matrana, At-Large; Teri Tucker, Treasurer; Joni Bathel, President; Renee Ferrera, Vice-President; Javier Sanchez, Secretary